Knowledge about fitness isn't enough — we all need the 'sweat factor'

Athletes and coaches are usually well-versed in the basic knowledge of what we should and should not be doing to increase the quality of our training.

If you think that’s too presumptuous, consider this: Is it news that you should follow scientific training principles and a low-fat, balanced diet? Haven’t we all heard the recommendation to use a heart-rate monitor? Did you realize that stress impacts your mood and training?

Chances are you know the answer to all of these questions.

Since we already possess most of the valuable knowledge needed for positive change, why haven’t we all met our racing and fitness goals? Why do we still hold onto those last 10 pounds? Why do we struggle to drop 20 seconds from our 10K time?

Understanding and possessing the knowledge doesn’t always translate into success. We believe the reason some of us fall short of our goals is that many of us are missing a single essential ingredient — "the sweat factor!"

The sweat factor is more than perspiration dripping off your forehead and trickling down your spine. It constitutes physical work, the action component, perseverance and the dedication to overcoming your own personal wars.

You notice it most when small tasks are accomplished, such as taking the time to cool down and stretch; using perfect form when lifting; and squeezing in one last interval in the pool. When you feel the perspiration soaking through your running singlet, when you sit to rest and a puddle of sweat forms on the floor under your chin, you then realize you are doing the right thing.

Action is the only thing that works. The sweat factor puts you a step closer to placing a medal around your neck, to understanding why your journey is priceless and worth every calorie you have ever burned in your quest to improve.

The sweat factor is training with a purpose. It’s having one last chance today to become better. You can see it in the eyes of the athletes dancing the track, flowing in the pool and screaming down the road.

You can recognize an athlete that’s in the sweat zone. They have a special look, a glow. They’re breathing hard, muscles taut. They have the look of satisfaction on their face. The satisfaction of knowing action translates into a better today and a faster tomorrow.

The sweat factor doesn’t only apply to competitive athletes. Notice the new mother at the gym using the Roman chair, knocking out one last sit-up and working to regain her muscle tone. It can be seen on the face of age-groupers driving up the last hill repeat of the day, the perspiration breaking on their forehead as they crest the top.

It’s the new triathlete or cyclist riding in a pack for the first time, their hands leaving imprints in the cork bar tape while attempting to keep their body and bike off the black asphalt. It’s the invisible sweat under the clothes of a middle-aged woman as she cautiously finds her way to the starting line for the very first time — not having any idea of what to do or where to go. She’s scared, but moving forward with cautious optimism and toward a new world of possibilities.

Perspiration is like a coach that says, "You’re doing a good job!" It’s your silent workout partner that’s better than a roaring crowd because it’s your body’s way of telling you, "This is good for you!"

It’s the body cooling itself off because you are entering the sweat-factor zone that makes definite differences physically and mentally. It does change your life. It will make you faster and stronger!

The sweat factor extends beyond your workout. It also centers on fine-tuning your lifestyle to include making healthier choices, taking the time to enjoy relationships, being creative, having some quiet time and having fun. Embracing action outside the fitness arena and extending it into our everyday lives is where the effects from the sweat factor matter most.

Everything starts with a vision. But without the hard work — the sweat factor — you end up with nothing but empty aspirations. Turning desires into reality requires an intelligent plan and the action to get it done.

It’s important to realize that there is no perfect way to get fit, fast and healthy, but a variety of ways that take you on a journey of endless possibilities, where dreams become reality and the common denominator to victory is, "the sweat factor."

Good Luck!