The Super Six session

It's true; Fartlek is almost as fun to do as it is to say. "Fartlek" is Swedish for "speed play" and consists of bursts of speed in the middle of a training run. Essentially, it's an unstructured interval session, the track without the rules.

Fartlek gets your legs used to a variety of paces and in the process gives you an enhanced awareness of your ability to keep up those paces at various distances.

The following are my favourite six super Fartlek sessions for runners:
Watson Fartlek
This is good training for 10k, 5k, 3k and cross country.
* 10 minutes warm up jog.
* Stride hard for 4 minutes with 1 minute jog recovery - repeat 8 times
* 10 minute warm down jog

Saltin Fartlek
This is good training for 1500m, 5k and 3k.
* 10 minutes warm up jog.
* Repeat 6 times - Stride hard for 3 minutes with 1 minute jog run recovery.
* 10 minute warm down jog

Astrand Fartlek
This is good training for 800m .
* 10 minutes warm up jog.
* Repeat 3 times - Maximum effort for 75 seconds, 150 secs jog run, maximum effort for 60 seconds, 120 seconds jog run.
* 10 minute warm down jog

Gerschler Fartlek
This is good training for getting fit quickly when combined with steady running.
* 10 minutes warm up jog.
* Repeat 3 times - Stride hard for 30 seconds, jog 90 seconds. repeat with 15 second decreases in recovery jog e.g. 30-90, 30-75, 30-60, 30-45, 30-30, 30-15 and 30-15-30.
* 10 minute warm down jog

Hill Fartlek
* 10 minutes warm up jog.
* Select a 2 mile hilly course. Repeat 3 times - Run hard up all hills twice before moving to the next hill, jog run between hills.
* 10 minute warm down jog

Whistle Fartlek
The coach, using a whistle, controls the session over a 1200m circumference grass area.
* 10 minutes warm up jog.
* When the whistle is blown the athletes run hard until the whistle is blown again. Pyramid session of 4 min, 3 min, 2 min, 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 4 min with a 60 second jog run recovery between each run.
* 10 minute warm down jog

Some Tips on Fartlek running:
* Helps you to maintain or develop good running form.
* You should practice running in a fairly straight line for running efficiency.
* Fartlek training improves your flexibility and running efficiency.

You should practice these points:
* Let your ankles roll as you glide along.
* Feet should be moving backwards when they land on the ground--ready to propel you forward.
* Land with a slightly bent knee, as if onto eggshells. A soft footfall with flexed knee reduces the pounding.
* Land on the outer edge of the heel or mid-foot, and then roll inwards to a neutral position as you move toward push-off.
* Push yourself forward powerfully with the calf muscles: By extending the trail leg to its full length, and
pushing off from the end of your toes.
* Run upright; run tall. Bring the hips forward.
* Make your feet hug the buttocks as they swing through on each stride. Whip those feet through.
* Keep your hands loose and relaxed. A clenched fist transfers its tension to the shoulders

Good Luck!