
The challenge for vegetarians is that of getting enough protein in their diets.

If you are a vegetarian that does not eat meat, fish, or dairy products. It's a challenge but certainly not impossible. For example most female athletes need about 65 to 90 grams of protein a day.

Eggs are a good source of protein so are soy based products and nuts. Soybean protein is equivalent in quality to animal protein and contains certain amino acids. The amount of amino acids found in soybean is higher than that found in other beans. Try soya milk (fortified with calcium and vitamin D). Create smoothies by blending fresh fruit with vanilla-flavored soya milk. Crumble tofu into scrambled eggs during the last minute of cooking or snack on roasted soyanuts.

If there are any vegetarians out there who have found successful vegetarian diets, please share them with the rest of us by emailing them to us and we'll post them on.

Good Luck!